Thursday, May 29, 2008

Going Private


Yes, that's right.. I'm going private from now on.. No more updates unless you e-mail me and want to see what we are doing.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Once again...

Oh hum.... Once again I'm out of room to upload photos. I'll be switching to another account so I can by-pass the fee based photo upload. Stay tuned for my new blog page....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Tax Man!!!

Oh, 2007 was a good year. But then again.....any year we don't have to pay in to Uncle Sam is a good year.... even yet, when we get a return...

This is one of those lucky years...our accountant called to let us know the good news!! A nice change from last years 06, pay big time to Uncle Sam!!!

I'm soooo looking forward to seeing our Tax (Refund) Returns!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

To Post or NOT

I'm not sure if I'll continue to post on this site. I can't post photos any longer and now spell check no longer works. Hummmm... If I post else where, I'll update with a new address.

New Blog Post at

I'll be posting everything at the new address!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Vegas Trip

I'm posting photos of our trip to Vegas and will fill in details later. There is just so much to write about!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

What to do when it's too cold to go out????

These past few days I've been indoors, trying not to go outside. It's just been too cold to venture out for very long or if not needed.

I've been "winter" cleaning up a storm and have gotten under the frig, range and into cabinets that were long over due to be super cleaned. There are only few places left to de-clutter. I'll start going through my closet and getting rid of unwanted clothes and junk.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Does the old say hold true... Does history really repeat itself? Or knowing the history...can we some how change our future?

I have often thought about this very topic...I was told once by a very good, smart friend... Not everything is Black and White, there are shades of gray too.

In our family the history of repeating itself lies in siblings. In both my mothers and fathers families they each did not get a long with their siblings in adulthood and stopped speaking to each other. I have no real knowledge of the "why" but more importantly is to acknowledge this pattern and learn. I have this same issue with my own sister, as kids we didn't really get along and now that we are adults... the rift has widened and we too no longer speak.

I'd like to end this cycle with my own children. I want my daughters and son to love each other and be there for one another. I am hoping that History does not repeat itself........time will only tell.......