Saturday, September 8, 2007

I Did It!!!

This was a huge step for me but a much needed one. It was time for a change yesterday, one that I would want to be noticed by my husband. What could this change be?? My hair what else!!! I've been stuck in a rut with the same hair style for 8 years, no bangs, just letting it grow and grow with no real style in mind other then a trim here and there. It was an impulsive thing to do but the only way I can make changes with my hair. The hair dresser confided in me that it's a little nerve racking cutting someones long hair short. Most people with long hair are very attached to it. I was trying to reassure her that I was not that attached, just had no sense of what I wanted to do with it, I just needed an easy to maintain style the last few years. She took it slow, very slow, reassuring herself along the way. In the end, I think I got the hair cut I wanted. I still have yet to wash and style it myself, so that will be the real test. Of course there isn't much to "style" since my hair never holds a curl.

I came home to see 2 neighbors at 2 different times in the afternoon before the kids got home from school. No one said a word about my hair. I tried to hint around that I had errands to run in the afternoon and was busy trying to get it all done by 4. I tried to toss my hair around in hopes they would notice, but nothing. I couldn't help but think maybe this change is so bad there is nothing good to say about it? I even had to ask Logan and Celina if they noticed anything? I finally told them I had gotten my hair cut. Logan said he liked my hair long better. That didn't help!! Celina said she liked it and off she went to play with friends with out another thought. Not quite the reaction I was hoping for.

The real test was when Steve came home from work. I did a little pacing in anticipation of the "Big Test", would Steve even notice if no one else really had? I thought I'd given myself a nice new change. Then I heard the garage door go up, and in Steve walked right past me without so much as a hey you got your hair cut. Nothing,... absolutely nothing. I tried to in vain to get him to notice, I spun around, flipped my hair, leaned in to talk to him. Just as I was about to go out the door I gave it one last shot, I'm leaving, right now this very second... then I got what I was waiting for... a reaction...any reaction, my "big change". Steve said I noticed right away, it looks nice, really nice. So why wouldn't he just tell me right away if he noticed? Men!!! But at least I got the answer I wanted.. that he liked it and it was a change after all...

1 comment:

rarejule said...

Where's the pix for us to see?? I got my hair cut yesterday and JP didn't notice either. We must remember that it doesn't matter to them and enjoy it ourselves!