Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Baby Birds

A Robin on her nest under our deck
I can't believe the Robin sat on her nest while I was only feet away taking photos.

Swallow nest above our front door. The swallows are out looking for food.
We've been keeping an eye on our Robin nest under our deck. We can see inside the bird nest by looking through the deck planks. First there was one egg, the next day 2 and so on until there were 4 baby blue robin eggs. Slowly one by one the eggs hatched last week and out came some ugly looking baby birds. They are all pretty much feather-less but have a few white fluffy stray feathers on parts of their bodies. It's neat to watch them snuggle up to each other while they strain their necks and heads to look up for food. I'll be keeping everyone posted on our baby bird news as they grow.

We now have a swallow nest above our front door. They worked hard over the holiday weekend to make a mud nest that attaches to the stucco on the house. I'm sure they are busy laying eggs. It's not the best place for a nest so I'm hoping they won't dive bomb us once the babies are born.

Motto: (am) nothing (noon) 2 taco's (snack) popcorn(eve),3 ribs, beans & potatoes, 1 DQ buster bar, exercise 2 hours, 150 sit ups, 100 leg lifts.


Anonymous said...

Good thing it's a bird's nest and not hornets!

Anonymous said...

oops. I wrote the above blog but forgot my name!

love, Kendra